The Vires Velo Story

The Vires name will not be new to everyone. The first full production Factor model, launched in 2012, was called the Vis Vires, Latin for ‘force, power’. It’s a nod to the past that acknowledges Factor’s journey and that of the team behind Vires Velo, including our managing director, John Bailey, who originally created the FACTOR brand in 2007 whilst under the ownership of bF1 Systems Ltd.


Our mission is in three parts: equipment, positioning, and fitness.

  • Equipment – We want to help you find the bike and gear that suits you so well you’re inspired to push your limits
  • Positioning – A professional bike fit using our idmatch system will establish your optimum riding position, unlocking comfort and performance you didn’t know existed
  • Fitness – In our Physiology Studio we will test your current fitness level, setting a baseline from which you can build by working with us, on your own or with a coach


Where we've been, where we are and where we are going


John Bailey & Team at BF1 Systems developed concept for the FACTOR 001 in Norfolk


The innovative FACTOR 001 V1 is launched


Factor Partnered with Aston Martin to create the Factor One-77 Hyperbike


Factor launches the Vis Vires and wins the Eurobike Gold Award for Racing Bike


Factor Bikes is acquired by industry-leading carbon fibre manufacturing expert, Rob Gitelis


John Bailey establishes Factor Bikes UK as the exclusive home of Factor in the UK and opens doors to the Experience Centre in Norfolk


Vires Velo is born. As the offering from Factor Bikes in the UK grows to cater for a wider range of cyclists, Vires Velo is created to offer cyclists a one-stop destination for high-performance bikes, components and rider development


Vires Velo open the Physiology Studio - a place for customers to experience in-depth physiological assessments.