Part Exchange
We've partnered with Cycle Exchange to offer you an easy way to part exchange your current bike and upgrade to a new Factor
With our Part Exchange service you can trade in your current bike, seamlessly upgrade to a brand new Factor and have it custom built with us.
It’s a simple process and your current bike does not have to be a Factor:
- Submit some details below about the bike you would like to Part Exchange
- Our team will review and work on a quote for you
- Work with our team to build your new bike spec
- Your bike can be collected or you can drop it to us
- Once your part exchange is confirmed the price will be deducted from your new bike quote
- Pay your remaining balance and your new bike will be sent for build in the workshop
Bikes accepted: Road, Gravel and TT Bikes less than 5 years old with an original selling price of more than £1,200.
* Part Exchange offers are subject to a final inspection of the bike from Cycle Exchange
Get Quote NowPart exchange Process
An easy way to upgrade your ride to Factor
1. Submit Your Current Bike
Send us details of your current bike using the form below
2. Receive Your Quote
You will be sent a personalised quote quote from our team for your current and new bike
3. Confirm Your Quote
If you are happy to proceed, confirm your quote and let's get to work on your bike
4. Arrange Collection/Drop Off
We will help you organise dropping your current bike off or can assist with it being collected by courier
5. Finalise Your Part Exchange
Once your bike has been dropped off, your quote will be verified and the balance deducted from your cost of your new bike
6. Build Your New Bike
Pay the remaining balance on your new bike will be custom built to spec by our team
Request a Quote
For a limited time only we are offering incentives on all part exchanges. Submit your details below and get a no-obligation quotation from our team: